Name (abbreviation) of the procedure: Wave length dispersive X-Ray fluorescence (WDXRF)

Generic term of the process: XRF

Physical Principle: Excitation of inner electron shells to generate characteristic X-Ray radiation via X-Ray fluorescence

Scope: Bulk method. Uses X-Ray fluorescence  (WDXRF) to analyze main and minor compounds, typically starting from Na. Lighter elements (except for H, He) are possible but the detection limit is comparable high (X000 µg/g). Li can only be measured with special spectrometers.


Institute: IELF

Name: T. Schirmer

Phone: +49 (0) 5323/72-2917


Type: XRF-Spectrometer

Physical force/principle: X-Ray

General scope of application: Oxidic, Metals, (Soft matter)

Available at: TU Clausthal

Website: Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (RFA)