Omicron Multiprobe

Multiple methods

Name of the procedure: Multiple methods

Generic term of the process: Multiple methods

Physical Principle: Multiple methods

Scope: Spatial and surface analysis


Name (abbreviation) of the procedure: X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (XPS, ESCA)

Generic term of the process: Electron spectroscopy

Physical Principle: Generation of photelectrons via excitation with X-Ray radiation

Scope: Spatial resolution method.Uses an soft X-Ray source to generate photoelectrons to analyze the major and minor compounds. The method is speciation sensitive. Resolution and detection limits inferior to electron probe micro analysis and scanning electron microscopy.

Media: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy


Name (abbreviation) of the procedure: Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)

Generic term of the process: Electron spectroscopy

Physical Principle: Generation of Auger electrons via Excitation with electron gun or X-Ray radiation


Name (abbreviation) of the procedure: Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS)

Generic term of the process: Electron spectroscopy

Physical Principle: Generation of photelectrons via excitation with X-Ray radiation

Scope: Spatial resolution method.Uses an soft X-Ray source to generate photoelectrons to analyze the major and minor compounds. The method is speciation sensitive. Resolution and detection limits inferior to electron probe micro analysis and scanning electron microscopy. Uses excitation of valence electrons. Energy resolution superior to XPS.

Media: Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy


Name (abbreviation) of the procedure: Atomic force microscopy (AFM)

Generic term of the process: AFM

Media: Atomic Force Microscopy


Name (abbreviation) of the procedure: Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)

Generic term of the process: STM

Media: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy


Institute: IEPT

Name: O. Höfft

Phone: +49 5323 72-2762


Type: Multiprobe

Physical force/principle: X-Ray, Electron, atomic level interaction

General scope of application: Spatial, Metals, Oxidic, Surfaces, (Soft matter)

Available at: TU Clausthal

Website: Ausstattung (Equipments - Page currently only available in german)