

Name (abbreviation) of the procedure: X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (XPS, ESCA)

Generic term of the process: Electron spectroscopy

Physical Principle: Generation of photelectrons via excitation with X-Ray radiation

Scope: Spatial resolution method.Uses an soft X-Ray source to generate photonlectrons to analyze the major and minor compounds. The method is speciation sensitive. Resolution and detection limits inferior to electron probe micro analysis.

Media: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy


Name (abbreviation) of the procedure: Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)

Generic term of the process: Electron spectroscopy

Physical Principle: Generation of Auger electrons via Excitation with electron gun or X-Ray radiation

Scope: Spatial/surface resolution method, uses low energy electrons or X-Ray source to generate Auger-electrons. The method is speciation sensitive, but inferior to XPS / ESCA


Name (abbreviation) of the procedure: Quadrupole mass spectrometry (SIMS)

Generic term of the process: MS

Physical Principle: low resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry

Scope: Quadrupole based secondary  ionmass spectrometry (SIMS) using Ar or Ga ion source. Mass resolution 1 amu. High element sensitivitzy compared to X-Ray analysis but quantification difficult because of strong matrix effects.



Institute: CZM

Name: R. Gustus

Phone: +49-5323-72-3358


Type: Multiprobe

Physical force/principle: X-Ray, Electron, Mass spectrometry

General scope of application: Spatial, Metals, Oxidic, Surfaces, (Soft matter)

Available at: TU Clausthal

Website: Surface Engineering and Analysis Laboratories